Burning straw in the fields after harvesting wheat crop

ID: 41090

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Filename: 1699-REpJXzA5OTI.jpg
Caption: Burning straw in the fields after harvesting wheat crop. The burning of rice straw in the fields. Smoke from the burning of rice straw in checks. Fire on the field.
Camera: FC330
Aperture: 2.8
Shutter Speed: 0.04
Created Timestamp: October 19, 2016 17:28:19
Focal Length: 3.61
Iso: 154
Orientation: 1
Keywords: fire, flames, smoke, burning, ash, ecology, air, pollution, field, straw, rice, agriculture, arson, smokiness, aerophotographing, top view, kuban, irrigation system, wheat, rice paddies, disturbance, disaster, grass, smoldering, cane
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