Esara Perahera Festival (Sri Lanka Candy)

ID: 43210

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Filename: 01365.jpg
Dimensions: 4000 x 6000 px
File size: 11086091 bytes
Caption: Esara Perahera Festival (Sri Lanka Candy)
Camera: ILCE-7M2
Aperture: 2.2
Shutter Speed: 0.016666666666667
Created Timestamp: August 21, 2018 23:22:24
Focal Length: 50
Iso: 1600
Orientation: 1
Keywords: Perahera Festival, Esara Perahera Festival, Easalapella Hera Festival, Sri Lanka, candy, Festival, Feast, queue, Esara, candy, elephant, National costume, Dancer, Futurity temple, Buddhas teeth, traditional event, Religious event
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