Ginza night view image

ID: 43217

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Filename: 01298.jpg
Dimensions: 6000 x 4000 px
File size: 5834825 bytes
Caption: Ginza night view image. Shooting Location: Tokyo metropolitan area
Camera: SLT-A65V
Aperture: 16
Shutter Speed: 6
Created Timestamp: October 15, 2016 20:09:39
Focal Length: 110
Iso: 100
Orientation: 1
Keywords: Ginza image, HDR, center lane, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Note, High grade, Buildings, Brilliant, illumination, Note, Backlight, Headlight, Light the night sky, Points of Interest, Signboard, Busy streets, City landscape, Gorgeous, tourist spot, Streets, Night view, Night, Journey, Passenger car
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